IPA Awarded – International Photography Awards 2019

IPA International Photography Awards 2019I’m honoured to announce that i’ve been awarded at the IPA International Photography Awards 2019.
I presented a new editing of 10 photos from the “Play The Game Over” reportage and i received an “Honorable Mention Award” in the category “Sports/ Team Sports” in the Professional entries.

This editing is called “Team Forge”, which is the name of the team i photographed in the competitive season 2017/2018. Events, matches and backstages.

My biggest “Thank You” goes to everyone in the “Esports” scene who allowed me to do all the photographs without limitations. Special thanks to MSI Gaming Italy and the Team Forge itself, which is now Qlash Forge Team Italy.


Full Editing:

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”13″ gal_title=”Team Forge – IPA International Photography Awards 2019″]



IPA International Photography Awards 2019Sono onorato di annunciare di esser stato premiato agli International Photography Awards 2019.
Ho presentato un nuovo editing di 10 fotografie tratte dal reportage “Play The Game Over” e mi è stato assegnato un “Honorable Mention Award” nella categoria “Sports/Team Sports” tra le Professional entries.

Questo editing è intitolato “Team Forge”, che è il nome del team che ho seguito nella stagione competitiva 2017/2018 tra eventi, gare e backstage.

Il mio più grande “Grazie” va a tutti coloro che fan parte della scena italiana “Esports”, che mi hanno permesso di fare tutte le fotografie senza limitazioni. Ringraziamento speciale a MSI Gaming e al Team stesso che ora si chiama Qlash Forge Italy.


Editing completo:

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”14″ gal_title=”Team Forge – IPA International Photography Awards 2019″]


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